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Northwest Building Trades Launch Nationwide Recruitment Campaign Website

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The Northwest Ohio Building and Construction Trades Council, in partnership with BMA Media Group, launched the first phase of an aggressive nationwide recruitment campaign geared to bring traveling union tradesmen and tradeswomen to Toledo for the 2016 season.

Visitors to can learn why Greater Toledo offers traveling, skilled construction workers the opportunity to live and work in a great region.

Later this year, the temporary website will be replaced with a more dynamic, comprehensive website.

For those properly skilled and trained individuals who want to secure work for 2016, they can now begin the process by going to and filling out the online form. A representative from their designated trade will contact qualified individuals. The online form is not meant to circumnavigate Referral Hall procedures. Agent-to-agent or referrals will still be required to go through all Hiring Hall practices.

A handful of major area projects will begin in 2016 and include work at a large refinery, a new clean energy plant, a nuclear energy facility, and a major downtown renovation for one of Toledo’s largest employers.

Many UA workers will be needed for these projects including pipefitters and plumbers.

All members of UA Local 50 are encouraged to pass along this link to any tradesmen or tradeswomen who may be interested in traveling for work next year.