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Training Center deemed ‘incredible’ by Wood County Commissioner candidate

Andy newlove

“An incredible asset” is how Wood County Commissioner candidate, and longtime skilled trades advocate, Andy Newlove described the Piping Industry Training Center after his recent tour of our state-of-the-art facility.

Newlove visited the PITC to get a better understanding of the worldclass training and services the Piping Industry and MCA (Mechanical Contractors Association) brings to our apprentices, customers and community.

“The hard work and dedication of your membership have always impressed me,” said Newlove. “Touring this facility further supported my strong feeling that keeping jobs local and promoting skilled trades in our area is what will continue to make Wood County and Northwest Ohio a great place to live and work.”

Newlove also expressed that, should he be elected as Wood County Commissioner, he would ensure an extension of the “shop local” philosophy to the workers on Wood County’s job sites, especially those with “the extensive skills and training received through the incredible resources such as The Piping Industry Training Center.”

A lifelong resident of Bowling Green, Newlove is a realtor with a long history of community involvement. he currently serves on the boards and committees of the City of Bowling Green Civil Service Commission, Wood County Democratic Party Executive Committee, Bowling Green Chamber of Commerce, Bowling Green State University Student Affairs Advocates Board, Bowling Green Democratic Party, and ACT BG (Young Professionals Group).

Located in Northwood, Ohio, The Piping Industry Training Center is a jointly sponsored Training Trust, committed to serving both Labor and Management of the Piping Industry of Northwest, Ohio. For more information, visit the website